Lumber Pack / Load Filters
Range Filtering gives you the ability to filter Lumber / Loads by date range, length / diameter range,
board foot range, board & pack count range, price range, sales price range, and much more
Search filtering allows you to search Barcodes, Load Numbers, and ID's to
find specific Lumber Packs / Lumber Loads / Lumber Sales
Location filtering allows you to filter out Packs by their individual location (lumber yard, mill, truck,
Customer yard, etc.) or multiple locations together
Vendor filtering allows you to filter out Lumber Packs & Loads by their vendor or multiple vendors together
Customer filtering allows you to filter out Packs & Loads by their customer or multiple customers together
Type filtering allows you to filter out Packs by their Species, Grades or multiple together
While your Packs and Lumbermen are online, filter their activity as it happens and if they're offline, you'll
see it when they connect using the date / time it was recorded on the device