Company Portal Lumber

Company-Portal Monitor

Tally-I/O - Lumber Inventory System - Features

Lumber Pack / Load Filters

  • Range Filtering gives you the ability to filter Lumber / Loads by date range, length / diameter range, board foot range, board & pack count range, price range, sales price range, and much more
  • Search filtering allows you to search Barcodes, Load Numbers, and ID's to find specific Lumber Packs / Lumber Loads / Lumber Sales
  • Location filtering allows you to filter out Packs by their individual location (lumber yard, mill, truck, Customer yard, etc.) or multiple locations together
  • Vendor filtering allows you to filter out Lumber Packs & Loads by their vendor or multiple vendors together
  • Customer filtering allows you to filter out Packs & Loads by their customer or multiple customers together
  • Type filtering allows you to filter out Packs by their Species, Grades or multiple together
  • While your Packs and Lumbermen are online, filter their activity as it happens and if they're offline, you'll see it when they connect using the date / time it was recorded on the device

Employee Tracking

  • Track your employee's work and watch as they're scaling and tallying their Packs and Loads
  • See the Packs Loads and Sales being recorded from your office or the Packs being moved from place to place by your yard employees
  • Track who's doing what, where, and when with updates showing who's creating Loads / Packs, updated them, moving them from location to location, and selling them
  • Track Packs through the process, find out where they are at all times, how long they've been there, who left them there as well as your productivity and profit by employee
  • For a small fee you can also record all changes to Packs and see them together for analytics in determining who your most productive employees are as well as who your best Graders and sellers are


  • Sort Packs and Loads by BDFT, Length, Diameter, Price, Sales Price, ID, Barcode, quantity, and more
  • Alpha sort, Species, location, Vendor, Customer, Grades, and the users that created / updated the Packs
  • Date / Time Sort Packs / Loads / Sales by created and updated dates
  • All sorting increases the speed of use for your office personal, saving both time and money

Stock Level

  • Search/Sort and edit Packs and change their stock level
  • Stock levels range from In Stock, Consumed (Used Lumber), Sold, Lost, Stolen and Destroyed
  • Have your yard hand, loader operator, or yourself, mark Lumber at it's final location (Lumber Yard, Transport Truck-Trailer, Customer etc.) and mark them as consumed / used, sold, etc.

Calculate and Measure

  • After Filtering and Sorting the Company Portal forestry system calculates your totals by board foot as we as both Board and Pack quantities
  • Export a custom report to see the averages and totals of all species, species / grade combinations and species / grade / board thickness (4/4, 3.5", etc.) combinations from day to day or a specific date / time period

Customized Reporting

  • After all this searching, sorting, calculating, and filtering you've learned how to get what you want
  • Use your reports to find your most efficient Sawmill / Grading employees and equipment at any given time or shift
  • Save those filter specifications for reuse and export the Packs, Loads, or Sales to show as usable data in your own custom report schema
  • Export a Summary only report with BDFT totals by species, species and grade combination, and average price by species
  • Using Column Visibility, simply hide columns of data not needed for the exported report
  • Choose between CSV, Excel, and PDF for export formats and tailor the document further afterwards
  • Mass Export Lumber Purchase & Lumber Sales Reports and print dozens at a time to save you hours of work when making payments or sales

Mass Edit

  • Following Sorting and filtering, you can mass update Lumber, Loads, or Sales by dragging across their row or ctrl + clicking them just like excel or sheets
  • Individually or Mass Edit all the Loads / Sales and change their Vendor / Customer, Load Numbers, mark them complete or incomplete, and more
  • Individually or Mass Edit all the Packs and change their Barcode, Stock Level, Purchase Order / Invoice, Location, and mark complete or incomplete
  • This is most helpful to those using LIFO (Last in First Out) / FIFO (First in Last Out) inventory methods and saves a great deal of time as you can choose by first and last created time / date as well as first and last updated time / date

Lumber Accounting

  • Purchase Loads of Lumber and perform Lumber Sales as well as group them into Purchase orders and Invoices
  • Export the Invoice or Purchase order with your Company Logo and Customization
  • Add Shipping Costs to Purchase Orders or Bill to Invoices
  • Add Miscellaneous Costs to Purchase Orders or Bill to Invoices
  • Export a Summary Purchase Order or Invoice with the Purchase Loads / Lumber Sales only and a Signature request or Export a detailed Purchase Order / Invoice with each Pack's information
  • Mass Export Purchase Orders or Invoices and print dozens at a time to save you hours of work when making payments or billing customers
Company Lumber Filter